Calculate Travel Distance

Use the following distance calculator to get the travel distance and travel time between addresses, cities, airports, states, countries, coordinates, postal codes, or zip codes.

Bulk Distance Calculations using Excel Spreadsheets

Calculate thousands of distances directly by uploading your Excel spreadsheet.
No longer need to calculate travel distance and travel time using manual search in Google Maps. Use the quick and powerful Bulk Distance Calculation Tool to easily calculate travel distance (miles/kilometers) and travel time (days/hours/minutes).

Popular use cases:

Mileage reimbursement calculation for rental vehicles
Employee commute calculation to identify turnover and retention
Office or business relocation planning
Multiple-destination trip planner
Vehicle reimbursement calculation for employers
Scheduling customer deliveries based on travel time and travel distance
Vehicle routing problem (VRP) analysis
Traveling salesman problem (TSP) analysis
Road Trip Planner
Are you using this tool for something else? We’d love to hear more! Please contact us.